Kick Ass Movie !


We are not simply recommending this movie…

Your Sacred Self is endorsing the chit outta this movie !


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Things We Don’t Talk About: Woman’s Stories from the Red Tent is a groundbreaking 72-minute documentary film by award winning filmmaker Isadora Gabrielle Leidenfrost, PhD. Spontaneous and organic, a Red Tent is a red textile space where women gather to rest, renew, and often share deep and powerful stories about their lives.

The Red Tent movement is changing the way that women interact and support each other by providing a place that honors and celebrates women, and by enabling open conversations about the things that women don’t want to talk about in other venues. Things We Don’t Talk About weaves together healing narratives from inside the Red Tent to shine a spotlight on this vital, emergent women’s tradition.

The film provides us an opportunity to remember, to listen, to know, and to find what it is we need to bring back to our communities to help awaken the voices of women.”


Experiential Classes

I remember the first reading I ever had.  I don’t know if the reading was just awful, or if I didn’t have a clue how to apply her reading to my life, but even my best friend insisted, “That doesn’t sound like Dana at all.  Are you sure you didn’t flip the cards instead of turn them?  Something’s not right.”  The offended reader turned all of the cards around and gave a completely different reading.  One that actually made more sense to me.  She wasn’t happy about it, though.  And neither was I. I walked away from that reading feeling like

1.  the cards won’t tell me the truth,
2.  I would not be able to trust a reading or
3.  I couldn’t trust myself to give a good reading.

After all.  She was a self-proclaimed expert.  If she couldn’t read my cards, how could I expect to give myself a true reading?

So I left the cards alone for 5+ years.

Then I went through a course that included working with MotherPeace Tarot cards.  While I loved the cool, round cards and was fascinated by the woman-honoring and empowering messages, I still found myself feeling anxious every time I tried to give myself a reading.

I tried smudging my space.  I called in the directions and created safe space.  I asked for Divine presence and guidance.  It helped.  But something was not right.  Something was missing, but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was.  I continued to read for myself and for others.  When I would give a reading to a friend, the feedback was always really positive, but people would have to BEG me for a reading before I would do it.  And I still felt a bit of anxiety or dread in my stomach every time I gave myself a reading.

Fast forward another 5 years.  I am Creatrix of a tarot class called Winter WonderLandscape.  And I am the most astounded student as well.  I have learned so much from this class already.  I can’t believe how deeply and intimately my cards are speaking to me in this class, and we aren’t two weeks into the 6 week experiential!  And here is the biggest Aha moment I have received yet:

This particular deck is teaching me how to trust.

That is what was missing for the last 10+ years.   Trust.

I also had to come to an understanding about the tarot (and I am only speaking for myself here.  If you have a different experience with the tarot, that is great.)  I learned, with this deck, to see it as an extension of myself.  Almost like a combination of my “higher self” who knows what a card “is” without having to physically see it, and my subconscious mind (that place that has a record of every single thing, sense, and experience I have ever had… that place that doesn’t worry with right or wrong… good or bad… it just files data and sensory images / impressions).  So yes, there is a bit of magic to it *thank you, higher self + Divine Source*, but these cards represent an extension of my inner self.

Therefore my conclusion is this:  If I want to trust the cards and my interpretations, I MUST trust ME.  Every bit of me.  My conscious mind, my sub conscious and my higher self.  Because when I love and trust myself, I can more fully love and trust the messages that come from my cards.

Or Maybe!  If I open myself to trust the cards and my interpretations, I will develop a deeper trust in myself as a result…. in every bit of myself.  I will learn to trust my conscious mind, my subconscious and my higher self.  Because when I open myself to the act of trusting the cards, I can more fully love and trust myself.  See how this chit works?  LOL

The Trust Spread

The very first spread we did was a trust spread.  Learning to trust our cards and the personalities they showed for this class.  I developed this class with the Trust spread first because I feel that we will deeply accept and integrate the cards’ messages when we can first trust the work.

I hope that, whether you are experiencing this class with Nessa and myself or you are journeying with your deck on your own, you allow yourself the gift of trust.  Because you are more than worth it.

We love you.

Walking in a Winter WonderLandscape

Experiential Classes

Hello you gorgeous peeps.  This is Dana.

Would you like to take a sacred journey with us this winter?  All you need is your favorite tarot deck (or a new one), an open heart and our “Winter WonderLandscape” class!

We have sprinkled info here and there about Winter WonderLandscape, so I will get right down to the nuts and bolts of it for you.  I’d like to share on this post exactly what it is, why I developed this class, and why it is so special to me.

Winter WonderLandscape is designed to help you

  1. Connect with your favorite or new deck
  2. Tap in to your chakra system and understand how it affects your inner beliefs and habits
  3. Discover what interesting tidbits lie in your unconscious mind
  4. Use the tarot to gain awareness around what you need in order to rest deeply this season
  5. Walk the Wheel of the Year in a sacred manner

This class includes instruction, journal prompts, tips on how to create sacred space for your work, and lots of awesome feedback from myself, Nessa and our Amazing Your Sacred Self members.

Just for giggles, I picked a card from my favorite deck, Gaian Tarot, to represent the theme of this class.

Here is what Joanna says about this card:

Mermaid sisters gather together to celebrate the peak of Summer as sunset falls on the longest day of the year.

We are naked and innocent, with hearts wide open to embrace each other. We weave a sensuous, spellbinding web of love and pleasure as we sing, “we are the flow, we are the ebb . . .” We slip between the borders of earth and sea, night and day, human and seal — to the place where magic begins.

And here is what I say about this card:

This card represents sisterhood, support, loving connection and deep friendship to me.  The water piece of this card can represent emotions and the subconscious mind, so it is perfect for inner exploration in a loving and supportive space.

“I open my heart to all my relations and honor our connection.”  ~Affirmation, Journey Through the Gaian Tarot, Joanna Powell Colbert

I developed this class for two reasons.  First, I really wanted to get to know MY new deck, the Gaian Tarot *which I absolutely adore, by the way*.  I spent hours playing with spreads and journeying with each card so I could develop a unique perspective of each card.  This class naturally developed from that work.  Second, I wanted to inspire YOU to create your own spreads and your own techniques for internal exploration using the tarot, and the best way for you to do that is to see + experience a good example of it.

This class is very special to me because I see it as a way for you to get amazing insight into your deck, your self, and what you need for rest and renewal for the coming season.  My favorite spread, though, is checking in with the next turn of the Wheel.

Here’s the link to sign up!

I was so excited when I got up this morning, I had to announce enrollment before my first cup of coffee.  LOL  The more awake I am, the more I look like a dingleberry, but here’s my video:

sign up here!